KAJO 105,7m2 - Log house

log house KAJO 105,7m2 with atic and with 2 bedrooms

Floor area 105,7 m²
Net floor area 77,2 m²

We are the official representative of the Hirsiset log house factory in Spain. www.hirsiset.com/en/

Your home is your most important place and a log home is a choice which offers the ideal environment for healthy living. Research shows that indoor air quality inside a log building is exceptionally healthy. Wood as a building material is flexible and durable. Hirsiset combines the atmosphere of a modern log home with modern building technology.

Building your own log house is one of life’s most important and biggest undertakings. Make sure your undertaking is in secure and capable hands. Hirsiset has helped many families realize their dreams in many countries across the world.

Contact us for more information

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